Support in finding a job in Greece and abroad
Technical and personnel selection methods are analyzed. The seminar has practical orientation and participants will work on 2-3 specific locations (depending on their profession) and so they will prepare for the whole process of personnel selection from job advertisement till recruiting.
- Difference between professional and graduate recruitment
- Analysis and explanation of the various modes of employment
- Presentation methods of personnel selection and preparation
- Preparing your CV and cover letter
At the end of the seminar and the practical exercises participants will be able to:
- Describe the various processes and personnel selection techniques.
- Know ways to job search in Greece and abroad, as well as specific employment agencies, web-sites, official bodies where they can address
- Write their resume, cover letter and fill out online applications based on the job description (job description) and the description of skills required (job specification – competencies).
- Prepare themselves for a job interview
- Have a draft of their CV and of a cover letter
It addresses to: Those wishing to acquire the necessary skills to successfully find employment in Greece & abroad.
Duration: 6- 8 hours
Conducted by: Maria Kalogera, MSc, Chartered MCIPD, Career Counselor
Competency based interview training
The seminar is practical and includes a one-hour interview with each participant and evaluation.
- Analysis and presentation of the structure of the interviews
- How to predict questions based on the job description
- How to respond effectively to questions
- Body language and the importance of non-verbal communication
- Simulated interviews and practice
- Performance evaluation and feedback
At the end of the seminar and the practical exercises participants will be able to:
- Describe the structure of a professional interview
- Use strategies for appropriate performance during the interview.
- Anticipate the questions using the job description and to prepare appropriately.
- Have self-confidence and use appropriate body language during the interview.
- Respond effectively to questions based on this structure.
- Learn from their mistakes after they will have the opportunity to practice in a safe environment and under the guidance of an experienced recruiter.
It addresses to: Job seekers who wish to prepare for successful performance during the job interview.
Duration: 6- 8 hours
Conducted by: Maria Kalogera, MSc, Chartered MCIPD, Career Counselor
CV writing
The program includes instruction and practice on the axles:
- Ways of self presentation
Efficient presentation of: experience, education, personal goals, special skills and interests
- CV Writing
Types of CVS
Presentation Forms
Structure personal profile
Personal CV writing
It addresses to: Students, graduates and graduates of higher educational institutions and to any applicant who is in the process of job search.
Conducted by: Maria Kalogera, MSc, Chartered MCIPD, Career Counselor