“Our children and us: Our personal limits”

Aim of the seminar:

The aim of the seminar is to help in the creation of an independent child that knows and respects its limits. Parents need to have the support and understanding for their personal needs and issues, so as to provide confidence and  ‘ space ‘ to their children to grow.


Discussion topics:

  • What is Career Management – Career Counseling
  • What is the parents’ role in their children’s career decision
  • Factors affecting the parents’ communication with their children
  • Factors that create interdependence and adverse effects
  • Family’s “traits” that positively and negatively affect the definition of the child as an independent person
  • Parents’ role in the process of their children’s choices and decisions
  • The vicious circle “anxiety – study –’ performance”: What to do?
  • Incentive methods to support and develop the potential of their children


It addresses to: Parents (group of 10-15 parents)

“Our children and us: calm co-existence or clash of the Titans?”

Short description: parenting is a highly complex process which “touches” heartstrings in parents that they often fail to manage. How can we understand our own dark pieces that complicate our role and try to do something about them?


Aim: Realizing through exercises, role-playing and discussion, in a not threatening way, those dark pieces which make it difficult for parents to act effectively, achieve the unconditional acceptance of their children and achieve the maximum possible contact with teenage children. Our coexistence becomes a journey of maturation for both and not a game of power.


Basic axles:
• Getting to know myself: difference between being an adult and being a parent. What would you call an “adult parent”?

  • Projections that we make to our children
  • Expectations that we have, both for ourselves and our children
  • The ideal characteristics of a family
  • What prevents us to succeed?
  • What can we do about it?
  • Acceptance of teenagers
  • What do we call “peaceful coexistence” and what can we do to reach that?


Duration: 12 hours

It addresses to: Parents of teenagers!!
Conducted by: Angela Chougia Μ.Α. , Psychologist, Family Therapist

“How can I hug a hedgehog?”

Short description:

This workshop supports parents in issues relating to their relationship with the children, the difficulties encountered, and the strengthening of their role.


The Group aims at understanding specific needs and changes of this age, and, through the systematic briefing and training, to better address them.

Basic axles:

  • Teenagers: how do they feel and how do they think
  • Emotional needs of adolescents
  • What hides behind a “difficult” behavior?
  • Understanding and managing “challenging” behaviors
  • Encouraging better behavior
  • Conflict resolution
  • How to pose limits?
  • Behaviors that cultivate good relations
  • How do teenagers see themselves? How do parents see teenagers?

It addresses to: Parents of teenagers

Duration: 9 hours

Conducted by: Ismini Karagianni, ΜSc Psychologist

“Teenagers: rebels without a cause?”

Short description:
This workshop deals with a better understanding of the challenges of this developmental stage, its features, and the importance of their contribution to the creation of autonomous and integrated personalities.


Aim of this seminar is to help parents to better understand their children and to be able to contribute to the creation of autonomous and integrated personalities.

Basic axles:

  • Developmental characteristics of puberty
  • Changes: physical, emotional and social
  • Redefinition of relations within the family
  • Encouraging accountability and autonomy of children
  • How to grow confident adolescents
  • Attitudes and fears of parents
  • Family atmosphere – parenting styles

It addresses to: Parents of teenagers (group of 6–15)

Duration: 9 hours
Conducted by: Ismini Karagianni, ΜSc Psychologist

“Parents and teenagers – How to communicate with your child in a creative manner”

Short description:

The main goal of this group is to transform a difficult ordeal that may make parents feel inadequate and frustrated, in an enjoyable and efficient process.


The acquisition of “tools” that will be available to the parents when they have to resolve conflicts, to transfer messages they want in an appropriate way, to encourage responsibility and autonomy of children, and to develop a meaningful relationship with the child as well as their spouse.

Basic axles:

  • Communication is a skill that can be learned
  • How can we develop substantial communication conditions?
  • What are the usual obstacles and consequences?
  • “They don’t listen to me” or “They don’t … obey”?
  • How to express positive and negative feelings in a creative way?
  • Listening to the children – even when they do not speak
  • Communication with the angry teenager
  • 10 ways to encourage your child

It addresses to: Parents of teenagers  (group of 6–15)

Duration: 9 hours
Conducted by: Ismini Karagianni, ΜSc Psychologist

 “Parents back to school”


SEP& E – CAREER ASSOCIATES in collaboration with nlpingreece featuring NLP team of specialized coaches, responding to questions and concerns of parents, in their effort to support in the best possible way the development of their children, organizes a series of courses for parents who rely on knowledge of the techniques of NLP system to harness their potential.

The NLP-Neuro Linguistic Programming System offers techniques to understand:

  • The way that experiences are recorded in the child’s mind and how this information can be harnessed
  • How the mind learns and how it develops
  • How to recognize and highlight the opportunities of our children
  • How we can win in every hour and moment with them:
  • Knowing what and how to respond in order to expand their understanding
  • Showing ways to respond with greater ease in their courses, transforming studying to game and fairy tale
  • Helping them to use their imagination and develop their creativity by playing mind games with them
  • Talking and playing with words in a way that will help them not to “stick”, and proceed to what they put on their future endeavors
  • Shielding self-confidence by investing in the values and principles that are formed through experiences and lessons learned through everyday life
  • Cultivating the soil in order to manage their friends and future social conducts



Section 1: What is the NLP system: Learning and understanding the way people think and act, learn, adopt behaviors (what they are doing, how and why)

Section 2: Playing with mind games – Leveraging their imagination and creativity

Sections 3 & 4: Waking the flexibility of thought

  1. a) The magic and the utilization of children’s questions. Talking and playing smart with words in a way that will help them think, don’t “stick”, and proceed to what are their future endeavors.
  2. b) Techniques that help them think more distinctly and without impermeable and their applications in communication and presentation.

Section 5: Earning trust and friendship. Recognition and utilization of the messages that children are sending to us

It addresses to:

The maximum number of 10 parents, which allows personalized coaching and direct feedback to participants during exercises.

  • Parents who can attend lessons and hanging out with their kids.
  • Teachers who want to enhance the results of their work and to facilitate their approach with their students.

Duration: 12,5 hours
Conducted by: Alexandra Efthymiadou, Phd  Licensed NLP Coach & Trainer

 “Could a crisis educate people?”

Short description

With a quick glance around us in a way that people speak and react to signals of the era, one could say that during a crisis, a moment arrives at some point where the mind tends to stop. The thought freezes of not knowing what else to do in front of the barrage of messages of destruction and pessimistic feelings. And the question arises: “Do we have options?”

NLP training program supports people to transform the way they think, feel and act and learn to rise to the occasion.

Basic axles:

  • Remodeling the way we think and we face situations
  • How to “fix” our thoughts in our mind and give meaning to our experiences
  • How we can shape and influence our thoughts in order to support creatively our mood and our performance that leads more easily to the results that we pursue
  • How to overcome problems, concerns and obstacles that usually hold back people.
  • How to create the appropriate framework for ourselves that steer the achievement of objectives and aspirations and ensure financial and professional growth, personal balance and emotional stability

It addresses to: Parents (group of 6 –15)

 15 hours
Conducted by: Alexandra Efthimiadou, Phd  Licensed NLP Coach & Trainer


“Basic skills in ensuring mental fitness”


This seminar aims to equip participants with techniques and skills in ensuring mental fitness.
Participants will be encouraged to develop resilience to adversity by enhancing mental fitness.

Areas to be explored in relation to mental fitness will be:

  • Valuing yourself (why this is important & how self-worth can be increased)
  • Recognising that you can change (recognising when we are stuck, the habitual ways and patterns we adopt to deal with change & the conditions needed for constructive change)
  • Self-management, managing destructive feelings & distorted thinking (identify goals & values, manage time effectively & manage the emotional and thinking blocks to change)
  • Problem-solving (the techniques of problem-solving, confronting avoidance & seeking help)
  • Building self-confidence & self-esteem (strategies for building confidence & self-esteem)

Participants: parents ( 8-16 participants)
Duration: 9 hours
Instructor: Dr Katingo Hadjipateras-Giannoulis, Chartered Clinical Psychologist

“Basic skills in ensuring mental fitness”


This seminar aims to equip participants with techniques and skills in ensuring mental fitness. Participants will be encouraged to develop resilience to adversity by enhancing mental fitness.

Areas to be explored in relation to mental fitness will be:

  • Valuing yourself (why this is important & how self-worth can be increased)
  • Recognising that you can change (recognising when we are stuck, the habitual ways and patterns we adopt to deal with change & the conditions needed for constructive change)
  • Self-management, managing destructive feelings & distorted thinking (identify goals & values, manage time effectively & manage the emotional and thinking blocks to change)
  • Problem-solving (the techniques of problem-solving, confronting avoidance & seeking help)
  • Building self-confidence & self-esteem (strategies for building confidence & self-esteem)

Participants: parents ( group 8-16 participants)
Duration: 9 hours
Instructor: Dr Katingo Hadjipateras-Giannoulis, Chartered Clinical Psychologist

“Tips on improving self-esteem”


This seminar aims to equip participants with the tools to identify and change negative self-beliefs, banish self-doubt and adopt behavior patterns conducive to positive self-esteem.

The seminar will give participants practical ways to develop self-esteem.

Areas that will be addressed include:

  • What is self-esteem (& how it differs from self-confidence?)
  • Golden keys to self-esteem
  • Strategy for emotional healing
  • Strategies for breaking self-destructive habits
  • Strategies for self-protection
  • Self-help interventions
  • How to maintain self-esteem

Participants: parents ( 8-16 participants)
Duration: 12 hours
Instructor: Dr Katingo Hadjipateras-Giannoulis, Chartered Clinical Psychologist

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